Bus Aid Accused of Abusing Special-Needs Student


According to Dallas News, Frisco Independent School District bus aide, Ronald Lee Peters, has been accused of abusing a child on his bus route for children with special needs. Denton County court records indicate Mr. Peters was charged with injury to a child on March 29, 2018.

In an interview with KTVT-TV (Channel 11), Tanya Adams said her 10-year-old son came home from Corbell Elementary School with bruises on his inner thighs. “He said that it was from the aide pinching him on the bus,” stated Ms. Adams. After talking with her son, Ms. Adams learned this wasn’t the first time an incident like this had happened to her son while riding on the bus.

Tanya Adams learned her son had been abused by Ronald Lee Peters in the past; previously being pinched, having his hair pulled, being taken by his shirt collar and choked, and having his arm twisted back until he cried. Ms. Adams fears her son suffered more harm than she’s even aware of, since her son rode the bus with Mr. Peters for five weeks.

According to Ms. Adams, the school district still has not released any information or surveillance footage from her son’s bus.

After learning of the abuse, Frisco ISD suspended Peters; he since has resigned. Mr. Peters was arrested and held in Denton County Jail before posting bond the same day.

The Potts Law Firm represents victims of abuse and harassment. If you or a loved one has been harmed by someone in the workplace or school setting, contact The Potts Law Firm for your free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys. You will owe nothing for attorney fees unless we win your case.

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