Tenaris Flood Case, New Plaintiffs Step Forward

HOUSTON, Dec. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Over twenty residents of Matagorda County, represented by the Potts Law Firm and the Lundquist Law Firm, have joined in a lawsuit against Tenaris Bay City, Inc., in Harris County District Court, due to the flooding of their properties.

“While Hurricane Harvey was a natural disaster, this was entirely man-made. Tenaris Bay City, Inc. could have and should have considered the neighboring community. If they had, these plaintiffs would never have been displaced from their homes,” said Derek Potts, founder, and national managing partner of Potts Law Firm in Houston.

Potts Law Firm charges that Tenaris Bay City was in violation of the Texas Water Code when building the facility in Van Vleck. According to the petition, Tenaris “divert[ed] and impound[ed] the natural flow of water, without legal excuse, authorization, or permit, in a manner that caused water to overflow and damage Plaintiffs’ properties.”

In the past, when meteorological conditions far surpassed Hurricane Harvey, particularly the level of rainfall in the area, the plaintiffs’ homes never flooded. After the building of the Tenaris Bay City facility, their homes and memories were flooded despite the fact that past storms had dropped over double the inches of rain that Hurricane Harvey produced. Per the petition, the “Defendant’s conduct illustrates not only an attitude of conscious indifference for the rights, safety, and welfare of others but also shows Defendant’s actual and subjective awareness of the dangers of such conduct.”

“We can’t give these people back their homes the way they were before. We can’t even put them back into their homes, but we can provide justice. Their lives will truly never return to the way they were,” said Potts.

Derek Potts and his team at Potts Law Firm are experts in flood litigation, leading the case against the United States Army Corp of Engineers for its release of water during Hurricane Harvey that flooded more than 9,000 homes and businesses downstream of the reservoirs. Additionally, they have battled FEMA regarding the extension of the National Flood Insurance Program’s proof of loss deadline.

About Potts Law Firm:
Potts Law Firm diligently pursues a variety of complex litigation and mass tort matters, from complex pharmaceutical cases to personal injury claims. The firm’s team of highly competent attorneys has experience in many different areas of the law. Taking into account every detail of a case, firm attorneys work tirelessly to pursue just compensation, regardless of the obstacles faced.
Potts Law Firm diligently pursues a variety of complex litigation and mass tort matters, from complex pharmaceutical cases to personal injury claims. The firm’s team of highly competent attorneys has experience in many different areas of the law. Taking into account every detail of a case, firm attorneys work tirelessly to pursue just compensation, regardless of the obstacles faced.

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