General Motors Co. just watched the first big court case over an admitted deadly defect in its cars melt down as an Oklahoma postman who claimed GM ruined his life dropped his suit, accused of lying.
For GM, that’s one down, hundreds to go.
America’s biggest c may have just blown the first plaintiffs out of court, but it still faces a fusillade of claims. Plaintiffs’ lawyers will have to be extra vigilant to avoid another devastating loss in court, and the second bellwether case, this one selected by GM, is well positioned to go the automaker’s way. Yet powerful claims remain over the engineering flaw in GM’s ignition switches. The jury in each trial will hear details of a person’s life being turned upside down, and how GM covered up the flaw for years to save cash.
“Calling this a win is a stretch,’’ said plaintiffs’ attorney Derek H. Potts, who represents dozens of clients alleging personal injuries or deaths caused by GM ignition switch failures. “A win would be a defense verdict.’’ The case was dropped because of a “collateral issue,’’ Potts said.
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