Albuquerque psychiatrist, Edwin B. Hall, has agreed to surrender his medical license amidst allegations of over-prescribing dangerous drugs which led to patients’ deaths, and for allowing an unlicensed individual to treat his patients.

According to the New Mexico Medical Board, six of Mr. Hall’s adult patients died from overdoses. A board spokesperson said Dr. Hall “prescribed controlled substance medications and combinations of medications in a manner posing a threat to the health of his minor and adult patients, and six of his adult patients died as a result of an overdose.” The agreement also alleged that Mr. Hall continued to sign applications for patients’ medical marijuana cards after his license was suspended last October.

Dr. Hall also allowed a man by the name of John A. Connell to treat his patients without a medical license since 2013. Mr. Connell illegally treated Dr. Hall’s patients after voluntarily surrendering his license in Georgia for “prescribing issues” and “inappropriate sexual contact with a patient.” Sources say “Dr. John” would sometimes schedule 50-60 patients per day; updating medical records, billing for treatment, and even prescribing medicine under Dr. Hall’s name. Practicing medicine in New Mexico without a license is a fourth-degree felony punishable by a fine or up to 18 months in prison.

The below cease-and-desist letter from the New Mexico Medical Board was sent to Mr. John A. Connell on October 23, 2017:

Cease & Desist Order

The agreement made between the board and Mr. Edwin B. Hall on March 27 resulted in a voluntary surrender of his license, along with paying $7,500 for fines and fees. Mr. Hall has also promised he will not reapply for a medical license in New Mexico. In an interview with KOB, Hall confirmed the practice permanently closed on October 4, 2017.

The Potts Law Firm New Mexico medical malpractice lawyers are currently investigating the Edwin B. Hall allegations and will update this story as more news becomes available. If you or someone you know has been the victim of medical malpractice, it is important to have an experienced attorney on your side. The Potts Law Firm has the resources and knowledge to evaluate your case both legally and medically with our staff of highly accredited medical malpractice lawyers, medical directors, and physicians. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.


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